Wednesday, September 4, 2019


We were right on the wall at the Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Lock last night so the morning was pretty easy. But the “wall’ did not have power or water. We have an inverter, a generator and water on board but overnight the refrigerator wore down the inverter battery.  So Ted got up on and off during the night to run the generator so the batteries would recharge and Betty woke up during the night just to worry. However, all was well today on the inverter. This just means, if needed to stay overnight again without power, we (meaning ‘he’) would need to get up a few times to run the generator to recharge the inverter batteries.
Today's cruise from Ste-Anne-de-Bellvue to Marina at Chateau Montebello
We maneuvered the first 2 locks to Ottawa, the 2nd being the Carillon Lock. The unusual thing about these 2 locks is that you catch a cleat on a dock IN the lock and the whole dock goes up and down with the boat. Never had that experience. EASY! 

This dock goes with the boat

We entered the 2nd lock from a ‘sea-of-serenity’ – and exited into ‘sea-of-never-want-to-go-there-again’. 

Approaching the Carillon Lock

Looking back on the calm waters

In the lock
Half way up the lock - note the dock goes with us

Our first peek of what lay ahead
Ted said it was 2-4, then 3-5 ft waves and choppy. I say it was 18-20 ft waves and we’re lucky to be alive!  Have you ever seen “Deadliest Catch”? Well, there you go! A rocky ride on the Ottawa River. He said today would have been even tougher on smaller boats. The wind didn’t just whistle around us - like Deacon’s wind imitation (Kathy’s Sanity) – it shouted at us. It didn’t slap the isinglass – it banged on it. Water sprayed up on the bridge windshield and that doesn’t happen too often. Our bridge is pretty high.  Sitting next to each other on the bridge, we sometimes had to raise our voices to be heard. For the 4-5 hours between the last lock and the marina, we saw only 3 other boats. Of course, the season is now over but there just MAY have been some boaters who refused to fight the weather. Simple Pleasures is still keeping us safe and, while old, she is doing an exemplary job – as is my Captain – who is not old, just exemplary! While in the turbulence, one thing was proven … many things can stop … your hearing ability, walking ability to go below,  your heart – but those robo-calls, they just keep coming no matter where you are or what you’re doing!

JUST out of the lock

We had boat-locking buddies tell us not to miss Chateau Montebello for dining. So here we are at their marina. And we are too tired to change clothes and go to a nice place for dinner. Cooked in. Now THAT is tired!!! After dinner, we took a walk up to the Chateau. Oh my!  We loved it. Would be a wonderful spot to share with friends (by car, not boat). Reminded me of Whiteface Lodge. How about you, Katie & John?

Chateau Montebello

.... and bar

So our 2 week cruise is extended and we don’t yet know when we will return – perhaps another week. Another reason the trip is extending beyond its original schedule is that the locks are now closing earlier.

I think this is a more physical and difficult cruise than either of us anticipated. But we always talked about it and certainly would have regretted not doing it.

Happy to hear son and family are safely home! Now we await word from other Southeast family and friends in Dorian’s path.


Unknown said...

It's Tammy. Read your post from yesterday and see you went ti Chateau Montebello. Sorry your trip is not going as planned but still looks like quite the adventure.

TOW said...

Looks like a wonderful trip. Sorry you had to go through such rough weather.

Betts said...

Thanks, TOW. It was lovely yesterday and, so far, today. Just love seeing the wedding pictures.