Saturday, August 24, 2019


It was a shopping day – starting with the flea market and then hitting many stores. Lost Ted at one point but guess where we found him? Vandervoorts Hardware of course. They have a marine section  so there was no need to send out an APB on him.

Vandervoorts and Ted -  Hardware AND Marine - could anything be better?

Kate and Bill - next door neighbors at home dock and in Kingston

Angel Liz and Summer Sled - Mike and Brad

Pam (I didn't do too well on catching the rest of Kingston)

Mio Gelato - 36 flavors. Pam loved her Basil-Strawberry

Chez Piggy's Patio. You can see why they call Kingston "Limestone City"
Made it to Jack Astor’s rooftop for lunch and then back to the boat where we were visited by Kevin and Shelley (Mrs. P.) and their friend Larry who will be taking his Formula to Florida. He and his wife just bicycled from NY to Florida. I'm thinking that might not be for me.

The Flea Market seen from Jack Astor's rooftop

Kevin, Shelley and Larry
We had a delicious dinner at Aqua Terra and FINALLY went to a Blues concert - the final show on the stage in the square. Have to admit we left earlier than most as shopping does wear you out. 
Final concert in the Square - Kenny Neal

Beautiful night for a concert
Ted, Sandy and Bill, Think we lost Brad.
Getting the giggles 


Katesda1 said...

You should go back and buy that dress!

Betts said...

HA! Actually, it was gone. But don't you worry. I can spend $1800 in a heartbeat. Oh, don't repeat that to Ted