Saturday, August 31, 2019


This morning was sloooow, sunny and warm.  Had to have some maple bacon (in honor of Canada) along with good old Enya. It was a serene and lovely morning. And we are relishing our dock spot.

Obviously not Canadian bacon, but it is maple bacon!

 ‘He who must  have the cleanest boat’ now that we are in a showy marina, cleaned and then cleaned, then cleaned a little more – even some things that I had already cleaned. I should be insulted – but I’m not. Rather enjoyed it. I don’t know where he is getting the energy – shades of Lady K – Bill & Kate, you would be proud!

After a morning walk along the harbor side of town, we came back to just relax. Not only are the sights in this part of the city fun but there is music playing throughout in the background – I have no idea from where. Oh, and it’s Taco Fest this weekend right next to the marina – and we resisted (Ted adds “so far”).

Crazy people

Where else to zipline but over the town

Betty's clone
Everyone here speaks French. I know … go figure. Je m’appelle Lizette. That’s from high school French class. There are certain phrases that my mind is resurrecting and I’m rather surprised. Thank you, Sister Agnes Clare. You may have scared me to death but you were a good teacher and, had we been contemporaries, I believe I would have enjoyed knowing you. I recall a mischievous twinkle in her eye. It helped that I liked French – Latin, not so much. You MUST ask Ted to speak French – and tell me who he sounds like. But, as they say, I digress.

Later in the day we walked through Old Montreal and had dinner at La Sauvagine. Delish! I think that Is French for ‘delicious’ … or not. Blame Sister Agnes Clare.

Michael's Pub - had our 1st Anniversary dinner here 2006

La Sauvagine

And Good-Night


Miles said...

I find it hard to believe that Ted is cleaning the boat. A front view of your clone would have been appeciated and I think Ted looks and would sound like Inspector Jacques Clouseau in the Pink Panther.Have a great Sunday!

Betts said...

Miles, you will be seeing the Inspector on tonight's blog. Thanks for the pic!

Unknown said...

I think Ted should post your picture zip lining over the town. Now that would be memorable. Love the blog but don’t think I’d like locks very much. Enjoy your trip.

Betts said...

The above comment made me laugh. Is this from you, Lynn Goodman?

Helen said...

Guess I haven’t done the right thing yet to comment Helen

Betts said...

Helen - you did it!!!

Unknown said... reading your blog each day. So sorry it rained and you missed all that great shopping in Montreal, another time maybe. Be careful and safe as you go thru those commercial locks. I know Captain Ted will look out for you. Enjoy your journey and keep up the great writing in your blog that I am sure everyone is enjoying.

Betts said...

Thank you for the kind words - whomever you are. If you post again, please put your name in the comment. And don't worry ... I'll make up the shopping!